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We are Care Experienced Activists.


We come from all walks of life, with differing experiences of the system. We all want to use our diverse lived experience of the care system to not only create and push for positive policy change, but to create a platform and support network for our community. 


We believe the Care Experienced community has not yet had its movement to push for real change and support each other in doing so, and that is why we believe this is a civil rights issue.

The Care Experienced Movement’s (CXM) inception was driven by a group of passionate care-experienced activists who recognised the imperative for a dynamic movement capable of self-advocacy and demanding accountability within the care system. We firmly believe that individuals who have first-hand experience within the UK care system should assume leadership roles in this endeavour, addressing the representation gap that exists in many existing organisations.

We hope to create employment, education, support systems and more for the full diversity of the care experienced community. This project is an initial stage in a wider, ongoing revolutionary project demanding real change for the care experienced community.


In July 2023 we formalised our status as a community interest company with policies tailored to the direct experiences of being a care-experienced person in the UK.

We believe that care is fundamentally political (especially in light of the State being legally regarded as our ‘corporate parents’) and that – as anthropologist David Graeber so staunchly stood by – all aspects of our society should be founded on principles of Care and Freedom.


Care experienced children in the United Kingdom are some of the most vulnerable people in our society, and how we treat them is a mirror held up to the rest of our society. As Nelson Mandela emphasised in his autobiography “A Nation should not be judged by how it treats its highest citizens, but it's lowest ones.”

Care is a verb.

Join the movement for change.

To get in contact please email us at:

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